Submit New Application

Reactivation by Examination Application

You are eligible to test if:
  • You have previously been certified in North Dakota as a Nurse Aide and successfully completed a Certified Nurse Aide Training Program.
You are not eligible to test if:
  • You have Challenged the North Dakota Certified Nurse Aide Exam to be initially placed on the North Dakota Certified Nurse Aide Registry.
If you do not pass your Reactivation by Examination, you must take a class through an approved nurse aide training program. 

  1. Complete and Submit this Reactivation by Examination Application.
  2. Once approved, you will be emailed your Username and Temporary Password to sign in to your TMU© account.
  3. Please refer to the North Dakota Nurse Aide Candidate Handbook for instructions on Completing your Account and other important testing policies and updates.
Once you have completed all the fields in this application, select “Send Application" to submit it. 
Completion of Training Certificate
  •  I attest that I am eligible to take the North Dakota Nurse Aide Competency Exam. 
By Submitting
I hereby verify that I understand and agree with the statements contained herein and the above information is true and correct.